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From Industrial Painter To Brewer


Mindy grew up in a small rural town in Northeast Missouri called Wyaconda, attended the Wyaconda school, played basketball, softball, and was in many clubs.  After high school Mindy attended the Bio-Processing Program at Indian Hills Community College for a short time and returned a few years ago to finish her degree.

Before interning at NoCoast Mindy was an Industrial Painter for a small company in Southeast Iowa.  After her stint as an Industrial Painter Mindy decided to return to school at Indian Hills to finish her Bio-Processing degree and was offered an internship at NoCoast which she quickly accepted.

“I knew pretty much nothing about the Craft Beer Industry, but I had always been fascinated by the science behind the making of alcohol, I even did a science fair project in high school about making alcohol.” Mindy knew the breakdown from grain to beer but not all the extras, which has been a fun and exciting learning experience.

Learning about the numerous malts, hops, and beer styles has opened her mind and taste buds. “I enjoy the science of each different brew and how the mix of malts makes each beer different.” Mindy takes great care and precision running samples and doing tests on each beer.  “Knowing the product that we, The Brew Crew puts out is clean, makes all the hard work worth it.”

Mindy grew up in a domestic beer area and after being introduced to the craft beer world has come to enjoy the wide range of beer styles and flavors. Taking one type of beer and changing it by adding fruit or putting it in a barrel for a few months transforms flavor and aroma characteristics, making it into something entirely new and different. Styles are ever changing in the craft beer world with great minds coming up with new beers every day!

”I am so happy that NoCoast found me, I could not imagine having a better job than working here for NoCoast Beer Co.”

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NoCoast Beer Co.

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